Healthy Body and Healthy Mind

Our vision is to ensure our students have good information and support to keep healthy and safe while moving into adulthood. The college works with a range of partner agencies in health, leisure and beyond to ensure their holistic health needs are met. They will develop the skills, knowledge and understanding to ensure they can flourish in this vital area. In order to achieve this students need:

To be in control of the support they need for being healthy. – TWSC students should have the autonomy and agency to make decisions about their health. This involves being informed about various health options and having the ability to choose the support that aligns with their preferences and values. Empowering our students to be in control of their health support means fostering a collaborative relationship between healthcare providers and patients. This involves effective communication, shared decision-making, and a mutual understanding of health goals.

To have a comprehensive co-constructed health plan that can form the basis of their annual health check. TWSC students health plan involves a partnership between healthcare professionals and individuals to develop a personalised and comprehensive plan tailored to the students health needs and goals. This plan serves as a roadmap for our young persons health journey, providing a structured approach to achieving and maintaining good health. They are regularly reviewed and updated to reflect changes in health status, lifestyle, and goals.

To be empowered with the knowledge and skills to keep healthy.Health empowerment goes beyond receiving medical advice at TWSC, it involves equipping our students with the necessary knowledge and skills to actively participate in their own health management. This may include education on healthy lifestyle choices, understanding medical conditions, and developing self-care skills. It empowers young people to make informed decisions and take proactive steps to maintain their well-being.

To know how other professionals and organisations can support them to maintain a healthy life and lifestyle and reach out to the relevant people at the point of need. – TWSC students are aware of the diverse range of healthcare professionals and support services available to them. This includes not only medical professionals but also allied health professionals, community resources, and support groups. Knowing how to access these resources at the right time is crucial. This involves educating our young people on when and how to reach out for additional support, whether in times of crisis or for ongoing health maintenance.

At the very heart of this is Student Voice and Student Choice. Sometimes its ok to be unhealthy and our students need to be empowered to make the decision that is right for them, but the key is learning about balance