Community Inclusion

Employment, Independent Living and Health are important components for life. When speaking to young people having friends and a good social life is at the top of their list of priorities. At the centre of this is ensuring young people have good information and activities accessible to them in order to promote community inclusion. Everyone should have a place in their community and our students are no different. The activities and study programmes within Community Inclusion build on their aspirations and desires.

Community inclusion doesn’t just happen around the local area around the college, for it to be sustainable and meaningful it needs to happen near their home locations. Supporting students to create these networks are vital.

Promoting community inclusion for TWSC students involves creating an environment that fosters acceptance, understanding, and collaboration. Here are several strategies we use to achieve community inclusion for our young people:

  • Raise Awareness:

    Conduct workshops, seminars, or training sessions for community members, including parents, teachers, and local businesses, to raise awareness about different types of disabilities and the unique needs of SEND students. Share success stories and positive experiences of inclusive education to challenge stereotypes and misconceptions.

  • Community Engagement:

    We encourage active involvement of our students in community events, clubs, and activities. This not only enhances their social skills but also helps break down barriers and build connections within the community.

  • Collaboration with Local Businesses:

    We collaborate with local businesses to create opportunities for work experience, internships, or employment for our students. This promotes inclusion by integrating them into the workforce and fostering a sense of belonging.

  • Parent and Community Involvement:

    We foster strong partnerships between other schools and colleges, parents, and the wider community. We engage our parents in decision-making processes, and encourage their active participation in school and community events.

  • Celebrate Differences:

    We organize events and activities that celebrate diversity and showcase the talents and achievements of our students. This helps in building a positive and inclusive culture within the community.

We also promote community inclusion through our Duke of Edinburgh (DofE) Award Scheme. This multi-faceted programme supports all our curriculum areas, and we know the high regards employers place on DofE in preparing them for the world of work. Students will be given the opportunity to complete the programme from Bronze through to Gold. In order to complete the programme Students will be invited to complete the following components:

– Volunteering
– Physical
– Skills
– Expedition
– Residential (Gold only)

The programme build on skills of emotional resilience, determination, problem solving and teamwork. All essential skills to be successful in life.

The Study Programmes for Community Inclusion also incorporate aspects of e-Safety, the criminal justice system, understanding and managing risk. This is not an exhaustive list, but at the heart of this area of learning is to equip students with the skills in order for them to be active members of their community.